The directory structure changes that happened between the old and new release.
JAVA_TOP changes
- Class
- Archives
- $JAVA_TOP = $COMMON_TOP/java/classes
- Classes
- $AF_JLIB = $COMMON_TOP/java/lib
- Archives
In case of 11i release the JAVA_TOP was pointing to COMMON_TOP / java directory, which consist of class and archive directories. The class directory consist of all the .class files where as archive directory consist of all jar files.
In R12 this has been changed and new JAVA_TOP directly points to COMMON_TOP / java / classes directory, which contains all .class files. For jar files we have another directory called lib. This contains JAR files. For pointing to this directory, there is another environment variable that is defined called AF_JLIB.
Techstack Level Changes
For Oracle Apps 11i we have following components version.
In R12 the components and versions are as given below.
Component Level Comparison
In case of new techstack some of the components got changed. Following is the brief comparison.
In case of 11i, Jserv engine was part of HTTP server and was used for JSP and Java requests. This has been replaced by OACORE (for handling JSP). Instead of Application server 9i used in 11i, in R12 we have Application server 10g.
INST_TOP Structure
Instance top contains all the config files, log files, ssl certificates, document root etc. This is a new directory introduced in R12TS. Addition of this directory makes the middle-tier more organized, since data is kept separate from config/log files. Another advantage is that, multiple instances can easily share the same middle tier / DB. To create a new instance that shares an existing middle-tier, just create a new instance_top with proper config files and nfs mount the middle tier in the server.
In 11i release all the config/log files was in COMMON_TOP. This has been shifted to INST_TOP. This is just to organize the application middle tire and to make a distinction between the core files and config/log files. Before checking the contents of INST_TOP, lets have a brief comparison of what was the content of COMMON_TOP in 11i release and R12. COMMON_TOP contains following directories.
So if we see the above comparison for the COMMON_TOP for 11i and R12, we see that there is only one directory, which is missing. This directory is admin directory. This directory is been shifted to INST_TOP. Also the log directory, which is still shown in COMMON_TOP, is no more used. There is another log directory in INST_TOP. This represents the logs for all the components of middle tier. Lets now see the structure of INST_TOP.
Here we see that we have some of the directories, which are same as directories in COMMON_TOP. So lets clear the confusion here as to which directory in which TOP is used for what purpose.
Actually the LOG, PORTAL and RGF directory in COMMON_TOP is not used. Instead these directories in INST_TOP are actually used. They are just the copies stored in COMMON_TOP. Also the admin directory is clearly moved to INST_TOP.
LOG directory contains the log files for all the components of mid tier like apache, oacore, opmn, and concurrent manager and also the logs for the AD-scripts used to manager various services.
CERTS directory is used for SSL certificates. In case of secured environment where secure certificates are used, the certificates should be downloaded in this directory.
PID directory contains the PID (process ID) for middle tier processes like apache.
APPL directory contains the 2 directories admin and fnd. ADMIN directory contains ojspCompile.conf and These files are important for JSP compilation and settings. FND directory contains the DBC file, which is required by the middle tier to connect to database. Actually the DBC file which used to be in $FND_TOP/secure directory location in the 11i release has been shifted to this location. This location is directly referred by an environment variable FND_SECURE. This was pointing to $FND_TOP/secure directory in 11i release. In R12 its pointing to $INST_TOP/appl/fnd/secure directory.
ORA directory indicated the techstack components. But an ORA directory in INST_TOP contains the configuration information of the techstack components. Lets look into the details of this directory.
ADMIN directory contains all the AD-scripts used to manage the middle tier components. ADMIN directory contains the SCRIPT directory, which has all the script. Actually these are the wrapper scripts over the main binary. We will see the details of these scripts when we explain each component. Following are the different AD-scripts and there function.
New Environment Variables in R12
Changes to existing environment Variables in R12