Tuesday, April 8, 2008

ADPATH Options

adpatch option=[option1,option2, ….optionN]

Below is option value with explanation
options=noautoconfig If you are applying number of patches out of which 4-5 patches run autoconfig then use this option & run autoconfig in last patch or manually (This will save your patching timing , first patch performance tip )
compiledb(def) or nocompiledb Use no compiledb if you have multiple patch then compile database objects in last patch
compilejsp(def) or nocompilejsp Use no compilejsp if you have multiple patch then compile jsp in last patch
copyportion Tells adpatch whether to run commands normally found in a copy driver.
databaseporion Tells adpatch whether to run commands normally found in a database driver.
generateportion Tells adpatch whether to run commands normally found in a generate driver
hotpatch Tells AutoPatch to apply a patch regardless of whether the Oracle Applications system is in maintenance mode.
integrity Tells adpatch whether to perform patch integrity checking, which verifies that the version of each file referenced in a copy action matches the version present in the patch (There are overheads with this)
maintainmrc Tells adpatch whether to automatically maintain the MRC schema after running actions normally found in the database driver. The MRC schema is only maintained if the MRC feature is enabled
prereq Tells adpatch whether to perform prerequisite patch checking prior to running patch driver files that contain actions normally found in the copy driver. (With lateset AD patch , default behaviour is changed from prereq to noprereq)
forcecopy The forcecopy command copies the files in a patch to the Applications file system without comparing the version number of the patch files with existing files

Oracle Apps Patch Basics

Standalone/Oneoff patches : This is used to define patch created to fix single/particular problem.
Mini Pack : This is group of oneoff patches for a particular product like INV, GL, AP and named like 11i.GL.E ( means this group of patches contain fix for 11i GL product (General Ledger till time E is released ) This is cummutative which means it will include 11i.GL.A, 11i.GL.B ….11iGL.D till 11i.GL.E earlier in 10.7 it used to called as patchset.
Family Pack : Group of mini packs in one family buldeled together is called as family pack. they are usually named as 11i_PF. Few example of falilies are SCM ( 11i.SCM_PF.G ), ATG ( 11i.ATG_PF.H ) _PF indicate Product Family Pack
Maintenance Pack : Group of family pack together is called as maintenance pack. So if you say your Verison is 11.5.10 then its maintenance pack 10 ( 3rd digit is maintenance pack ) so

To wind up things you can say

few one off patch make mini pack , few mini pack related to same family bundeled together as family pack & all family pack fixed till that time are bundeled in Maintenance pack .

NLS Patch ( When you have more than one language , like english & arabic or french .. ) then apart from normal patch you have to apply patch for specific language Installed in your system called as NLS patch.